Mortal Shell

Action RPG heavily inspired by Dark Souls.

The third-person action RPG Mortal Shell is currently free, 100% free to keep, for Windows, in a limited-time Epic Store’s giveaway! Take advantage of this offer, as Mortal Shell usually costs US$29.99!

Mortal Shell is an independent action role-playing video game with a third-person perspective set in a dark medieval fantasy world. It was developed by Cold Symmetry and initially released on August 18, 2020.

In this game, you control a foundling, an entity that can inhabit the bodies of fallen warriors, known as shells. The combat follows the Dark Souls formula, including light and heavy attacks, dodges, blocks, and parries.

Published by Playstack and available for PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One, Luna, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and Switch, Mortal Shell was generally well received by critics and performed well in the market. Additionally, it has thousands of neutral reviews on Steam, a 4.3/5 rating on the Epic Store, and a 3.8/5 rating on GOG, at least at the time of this publication.

You can get the game here!



As mentioned, Mortal Shell is an action RPG. The game is heavily inspired by Dark Souls (2011), features a third-person perspective, and focuses on melee combat, where players control character “shells,” each with a unique fighting style.

The gameplay follows the traditional soulslike structure, with light and heavy attacks, dodges, blocks, and parries, as well as the need to manage stamina and resources. The game’s major innovation is the hardening mechanic, which allows the player to temporarily solidify their shell to block enemy attacks. This mechanic can be used strategically for both defense and creating openings in combat.

While some changes to the Dark Souls formula were made for creative reasons—such as the limited number of healing items to encourage the use of the blood-health mechanic—others stemmed from the studio’s limitations. For example, instead of a traditional attribute system with a wide variety of weapons and armor, Mortal Shell offers four shells, each with unique stats and abilities, and a total of four primary weapons, each with a distinct combat style.

The game also features a progression system based on tar and glimpses. Tar functions as the main currency, similar to souls in the Souls series, and is used to acquire upgrades. Glimpses, on the other hand, are collected throughout the game and serve to unlock abilities and character memories, contributing to the fragmented narrative.

Another standout feature is the ability to switch shells during combat using consumable items, as well as the revival mechanic: when a player dies, they are ejected from their shell and have an opportunity to reclaim it, allowing for a second chance before final defeat.

The game’s world exploration is one of its most praised aspects, offering a dark, interconnected environment full of secrets. However, the lack of multiplayer and the limited number of weapons and shells impact replayability, making New Game Plus mode less varied compared to other games in the genre.

About the game

Mortal Shell is a deep action-RPG that tests your sanity and resilience in a shattered world. As the remains of humanity wither and rot, zealous foes fester in the ruins. They spare no mercy, with survival demanding superior awareness, precision and instincts. Track down hidden sanctums of devout followers and discover your true purpose.

Posses Lost Warriors

The dead litter this tattered landscape, but not all are without hope. The lost remains of defeated warriors are yours to discover. Awaken these Mortal Shells, occupy their bodies and significantly open your understanding to diverse masteries of combat.

Face Haunting Foes

Your path is guarded by desperate adversaries, devoted to inscrutable gods. Behold creatures both pitiable and grotesque, but do not let fear halt your journey. Muster your courage and face them down.

Iron Sharpens Iron

Combat is strategic and deliberate. You must commit your sword only when an opportunity opens. Calculate your parries to unleash devastating counterblows. Temporarily entomb your Mortal Shell in stone to block attacks, or play aggressive and use your stone-form to add brutal weight to your own sword swings.


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