The action-packed run-and-gun platformer Glorkian Warrior: The Trials of Glork is currently free, 100% free to keep, for Windows and Mac in a limited-time giveaway offer! Don’t miss out—Glorkian Warrior normally costs US$4.99!
Category: Platform
Potatoman Seeks the Troof
The challenging retro platformer Potatoman Seeks the Troof is currently free (free to keep) for Windows and Mac, as part of a limited-time giveaway offer! Go get it! The game typically costs $3.99.
Begotten Son: a retro horror platformer inspired by silent cinema
Begotten Son is a free, retro horror platformer inspired by silent cinema like Begotten by E. Elias Merhige, expressionist cinema, and Antonin Artaud’s theatre of gestures. It blends retro side-scrolling action with gothic horror elements.
Super Magro World
Super Magro World is a free indie fan remake of Super Mario World where the famous Italian plumber is replaced by none other than our beloved Don Ramón from the extremely popular Mexican comedy show. It was released in 2003.
Land it Rocket
The skill-focused casual game Land it Rocket is currently free, for Windows, 100% free to keep, in a limited-time giveaway offer! Go get it! Land it Rocket can cost US$2,99!
Ghostrunner 2
The futuristic first-person action platformer Ghostrunner 2 is currently free, for Windows, 100% free to keep, in a limited-time giveaway offer! Go get it! Ghostrunner 2 can normally cost US$39,99!
Steam Heart
Steam Heart is a free retro-style run-and-gun and a love letter to legendary Treasure’s titles like Gunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier. It transports players back to the golden age of 16-bit gaming with its its pixel-perfect graphics and pulse-pounding Genesis-style soundtrack.
The independent adventure Copperbell currently available for free, 100% free to keep, for Windows, in another limited-time giveaway offer! Go get it! Copperbell can normally cost U$4.99.