The casual geometry-based puzzler Bounce is free, 100% free to keep, for Windows, in a time-limited Indiegala’s giveaway offer. Go get it! Bounce can normally cost US$8.99!
Bounce is an independent and casual geometry-based puzzler where you have just one chance to shoot a projectile that must hit all targets in the levels. It was developed by Mikhail Melnikov and initially released on April 2, 2018.
Published by SA Industry and available for Windows, Linux and Mac, Bounce has dozens of neutral reviews, at least so far. I don’t know, I think this game also has educational value.
You can get the game here!
About the game
Bounce-puzzle game in which you have to apply your knowledge of geometry in practice to ricochet to remove all the pieces on the level.
At each level there are several white shapes that you have to remove. To make it not so easy: you have 1 shot for the whole level. To successfully complete the level, you will have to choose the right place and launch angle.
- GET Bounce HERE - Download link(s) or store's listing.
- Size: 12.3 MB
- License: Commercial
- Operational systems: Windows, Linux and Mac
- Developer(s) and/or publisher(s): Mikhail Melnikov, SA Industry
- Categories: Puzzlers
- Views: 28
- Added by: Valewson