The open-world survival game Deep Despair 3 is currently free for Windows—100% free to keep—in a limited-time giveaway! Don’t miss out, as Deep Despair 3 normally costs $8.99!
Tag: Desert
Potatoman Seeks the Troof
The challenging retro platformer Potatoman Seeks the Troof is currently free (free to keep) for Windows and Mac, as part of a limited-time giveaway offer! Go get it! The game typically costs $3.99.
Fallout Classic Collection
The Fallout Classic Collection compilation is free for Windows, 100% free to keep, in a time limited giveaway offer! Go get it! The Fallout Classic Collection can normally cost US$19.99!
T R E M O R S (Rebirth)
T R E M O R S (Rebirth is a third-person survival horror based on the horror franchise Tremors. It features a huge map full of things from the first film, including characters and a big arid city to explore, and was released in 2024.
Lisa: Definitive Edition
The compilation of post-apocalyptic RPGs Lisa: Definitive Edition is free, for Windows, 100% free to keep, in a time-limited giveaway offer! Go get it! Lisa: Definitive Edition is normally paid!
UnDUNE II: The Demaking of a Dynasty
UnDUNE II: The Demaking of a Dynasty is a retro, independent, free and complete recreation of the classic RTS Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty from scratch in PICO-8 with great fidelity and quality. It was released on 2022.
Dakar Desert Rally
The desert rally game Dakar Desert Rally is free for Windows in a limited-time giveaway offer! Go get it! Dakar Desert Rally can normally cost U$29.99!