Dino Crisis: Rebirth (Project: Crisis) is a reimagining of the classic Dino Crisis (1999) in the form of a short yet dark, third-person survival shooter that attempts to convey all the chilling atmosphere of the original in a modernized way. It released in 2024.
Tag: Remake
Mega R-Type
Mega R-Type is an excellent remake of the arcade R-Type created by fans in the form of an Everdrive and emulator compatible ROM for the Mega Drive, console also known as Genesis!
Friday The 13th – (1988 NES Remake)
Friday the 13th (1988 NES Remake) is a free and modern, yet still retro, recreation of the classic NES game Friday the 13th, which itself is based on the famous horror film series/franchise of the same name.
T R E M O R S (Rebirth)
T R E M O R S (Rebirth is a third-person survival horror based on the horror franchise Tremors. It features a huge map full of things from the first film, including characters and a big arid city to explore, and was released in 2024.
Nacht Der Untoten REMAKE
Nacht Der Untoten REMAKE is a homebrew remake of the Call of Duty map Nacht Der Untoten, which involves zombies, National Socialists and World War II. This horror first-person shooter was released on 2024.
Shadows: Awakening
The isometric action-RPG with real-time tactics Shadows: Awakening is free, for Windows, 100% free to keep, in a limited time giveaway offer! Go get it! Shadows: Awakening can normally cost US$29.99!
Chex Quest HD
Chex Quest HD is a free to play FPS and an advanced remake of Chex Quest (1996) where you are on a special space squad and your mission is to use your special weapons to send gooey alien monsters back to their dimensions.
UnDUNE II: The Demaking of a Dynasty
UnDUNE II: The Demaking of a Dynasty is a retro, independent, free and complete recreation of the classic RTS Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty from scratch in PICO-8 with great fidelity and quality. It was released on 2022.
Street Fighter Mugen
Street Fighter Mugen is a free fan game made in M.U.G.E.N that gathers a lot of characters, backgrounds and game modes inspired in the iconic franchise!