Tandem: a Tale of Shadows
The platform-puzzler Tandem: a Tale of Shadows is free, 100% free to keep, for Windows, in a time limited giveaway offer! Go get it! Tandem: a Tale of Shadows can normally cost US$$9.99!
The platform-puzzler Tandem: a Tale of Shadows is free, 100% free to keep, for Windows, in a time limited giveaway offer! Go get it! Tandem: a Tale of Shadows can normally cost US$$9.99!
The Evil Within, the survival horror from the creator of Resident Evil, is free, 100% free to keep, for Windows, in a limited time giveaway offer! Go get it! The Evil Within can normally cost US$9.99!
The pirate PvP battle royale game Blazing Sails is free, 100% free to keep, for Windows, in a limited time giveaway offer! Go get it! Blazing Sails can normally cost US$14.99!
The science fiction adventure with hand-drawn settings Trüberbrook is free, 100% free to keep — for Windows, Linux and Mac — in a time-limited giveaway offer! Go get it! Trüberbrook can normally cost US$29.99!
The exploration-focused adventure The Night of the Rabbit is free, 100% free to keep — for Windows and Mac — in a time limited giveaway offer! Go get it! The Night of the Rabbit normally costs US$19.99!
The 2D adventure with hand-drawn graphics Out of Line is free, 100% free to keep, for Windows, in limited time giveaway offer! Go get it! Out of Line can normally cost US$7.99!
The tactical RPG and card game Spelldrifter is free, 100% free to keep, for Windows, in a giveaway offer that should last for a limited time! Go get it! Spelldrifter can normally cost US$19.99!
The strategy and horror game Ghost Master is free, 100% free to keep — for Windows — in a giveaway offer that should last for a limited time! Go get it! Ghost Master can normally cost US$ 4.99!
Helium Rain is a free to play strategy game that promises space simulation with realistic physics that involves managing economic and military aspects of a solar system. It was released on 2017.